Thursday, October 25, 2007

Your and You're

Ok, I'm not getting on a high horse already but something reminded me of how much I hate this and I don't have any other writing ideas at the moment. I don't claim to be a grammar queen, but I passed 7th grade so that makes me an expert, I think.

I don't remember the exact lessons, but at some point our teachers taught us about contractions. They are great things. They allow us to be lazy and shorten statements that are usually already pretty short. 'I am lazy.' 'I'm lazy.' See how much easier that was? It just saved me so much time. Not really, but I'm a fan of contractions and use them quite often. I was taught to never use them in school papers though and that has stayed with me because I catch myself purposely not using them in client emails at work.

So on to my pet peeve. I can't stand seeing someone write "Your welcome." Does the welcome belong to that person? NOOOO! The phrase is to tell a person that he or she is welcome; so it's "You're wecome." It's always "You're welcome." Period.

'You're' is the contraction for 'you are.' It's that simple. On the other hand, the word 'your' shows possession. Also pretty simple. Example: This is my bologna sandwich. That is your bologna sandwich. If you're not going to eat yours, then I'll eat your bologna sandwich. Wait, you're running away! I wanted your sandwich, but you're running away with it. Come baaaack.

Although I won't call you out, please note that I will secretly somewhat judge you if I see you make this mistake. Class dismissed. Your free to go. (hehe)


Anonymous said...

Your crazy...

Margaret said...

Your a DA! :)

P.S. I did see a spelling error in this post...check you're first paragraph.

hee hee...