Ok, finally decided to post something else again if only to stop the harrassment. At least I know I was missed :-) I think I've done one of these before, but they are quirky and fun so here I go again. Thanks for Alex for tagging me in her blog!
7 Random/Weird Facts about Anna
1. I'm pregnant! This is isn't necessarily random or weird, but I had to announce it somehow and #1 just seemed fitting.
2. I almost always sneeze 8 times when I sneeze. This started when I was in college and would leave Tiger Town Tavern. The smoke would make me sneeze every time I left a bar and it would always be 8 times. It still happens today and I have no idea why!
3. I love my cats more than I love most people I know. Sorry, it's true. Of course there are some exceptions so don't be offended (I'm sure you're one of them...) Anyways, I never even had a cat before 2005 but I love my 3 to death. And please no one say that I will stop loving them after our baby is born. They may not get as much attention, but I will still love them to death. Seriously, don't tell me that.
4. The real fruit smoothies at Sonic are my new indulgence. They are heaven in a non-recyclable styrofoam cup!
5. Speaking of styrofoam cups, I get secretly irate when people don't recycle. There is NO reason not to. LOVE the Earth :-)
6. My husband suggests that one of my 7 random/weird facts is "That I have a ridiculously good looking husband." Yep, he's pretty rando/weird.
7. Discovering my love of Sunkist/Diet Sunkist was wonderful this year. Finding out that it has caffeine and I'm not allowed to have it (semi-not allowed) is a bummer :-( I miss it . . .