Taylor Grace (the name we've chosen for our little squirt) is quite the flexible little monkey inside my belly. On Thursday she was in the breach position and once we saw the pictures it made sense to me what the kicks and lumps inside me actually were compared to the body parts we saw on the u/s. She is completely folded in half right now with her legs up next to her head. In some of the pictures her knee is smooshing in her nose and her feet are above her head! The position she was in made it a little tough to get some face shots, but we could definitely make out her little sweet face in a few, along with some floating umbilical cord as well! Some of the squiggly lines around the bottom of her face are the cord and these pictures, while amazing, are sometimes quite freaky!
So we're down to a little over 5 weeks before Taylor's planned appearance. We have a scheduled c-section date of May 5th, pending the results of an amniocentesis on May 4th. If her lungs aren't developed on the 4th, then we'll just wait a week for the birth. I cannot believe how fast time is flying by. It seems like forever ago that we found out we were expecting, but the last few months of me growing and the arrival getting closer have just flown by so fast!