Sunday, November 25, 2007

10 Reasons to be Thankful on Thanksgiving

Alan and I had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday and were fortunate enough to see both of our families and eat a lot of great food. We drove to Abbeville to visit my family on Wednesday night and had lunch at my grandparent's house on Thursday. We went to Beaufort/Spring Island on Saturday morning to visit Alan's parents while they were in town and also went to our niece's baptism this morning. Even though we spent a lot of time on the interstates of SC, we had a great holiday.

10 Reasons I can be thankful on Thanksgiving
  1. I have an incredible husband that loves me unconditionally for who I am. (and he's a hottie, too!)
  2. My family is a breath of fresh hometown air when I come back for a visit. It's comfortable and relaxed and that's how "going home" is supposed to be.
  3. I still have 2 living grandparents that are the sweetest ones you could ask for and I have great memories of my other 2 that I can keep with me forever.
  4. I have discovered my love of animals through the 3 precious cats that I am able to share a home with. I get to kiss their sweet little faces and I love them more than you would believe.
  5. It's great that not only do I not hate my job, I kind of like it sometimes. I am thankful for the things it has taught me about myself (and others) and the fun people I have met along the way.
  6. Alan graduates in 2008 - yippeeee!
  7. Being a Clemson fan is one of the greatest things in the world and I am so thankful to have an education and a spirit from there - especially the day after they beat USC. That glorious, proud feeling will NEVER, EVER get old. Did I mention, it NEVER gets old beating the shit out of that team? Oh, I did? Oh, Ok. Just checking. Can I get a woo hoo?
  8. I feel that I'm finally an adult in my parents' eyes and I am grateful for their support in life.
  9. God allowed me to be born as an American and considering the alternatives, I cannot be thankful enough to have food, shelter, freedom, love, a voice, an education, healthcare, and all of the other many things that others don't have that I take for granted every day.
  10. Chick-fil-a

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'd have to strongly agree with #1. I may be a bit biased, though...because I am him.