Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Rocky's Growing Up

And now back to the cats... I discovered Rocky enjoying some "private time" recently, although it was in our living room, so he wasn't quite as discreet as I would have hoped.

There is a slight chance that these pictures were set up by someone other than Rocky. You can't blame me...I have to bring the cats back down from the mile-high pedestal that Anna puts them on so their heads don't get too big.


Anna said...

i can't believe you did this to my baby! just look at him - he has no idea what's going on. he's just my sweet innocent little rockrock and you're trying to corrupt him!

Dave said...

please tell me you got that pony thing out of the claw machine

Anonymous said...

Of course, Dave. Both animals came from claw machines, as well as approximately 10 other toys in our house.

Dave said...

I knew that was the only way you would acquire such a thing; you should consider joining the professional claw machine tour

Alex said...

I can't wait for Baby Girl West to join your house of debauchery!! JK! :-)