Happy Halloween everybody! Alan and I are sitting on the couch waiting on the doorbell to ring from the Trick or Treaters. However, we are bickering over who actually has to get up to go hand out the candy. So far we've had a Superman who talked a lot, a Barbie bride who was beating our door down, and a furry bunny rabbit who tried to hop into our living room.
I was trying to remember some of my childhood Halloween costumes and from what I remember, each one was pretty bad. Read for yourself . . .
--Rock Star girl: This outfit consisted of acid wash jeans, some sort of vest, and shiny gold hair. I can't imagine how tacky this was or how much hot pink I was wearing.
--Hobo: What girl wants to be a hobo? I think this was my parents' excuse not to have to buy a costume. Again, it was acid wash jeans, but this time rolled up my legs. Then I had shoe polish on my face and a stick with a bandanna hanging on the end of it. Classic. We have a picture of this and I'm sitting with my brother, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle.
--Witch: This is the old standby that I probably used several times. I'd have this greasy green paint on my face that was impossible to scrub off at the end of the night. I think I had long red fingernails too!
--Siamese Twin: HAHA, this was a good one. First of all, this was my last year of Trick or Treating and I was probably too old for it this year. Basically, my friend and I both wore one big sweatshirt with both of our heads coming out of the top and one of our arms each in the sleeves. From what I can remember, it was a blue sweatshirt with a teddybear on the front. This one lady only gave my friend candy because she got confused that there were actually 2 of us. I think this lady was tripping on some candy corn!
Last year, Alan and I went to a party as Britney and K-Fed. I have to admit that I was pretty proud of our outfits. Notice our attention to detail with my Starbucks cup and Alan's blinging clip-on earrings that belonged to his grandmother.

I am a slacker this year and didn't dress up today. Yesterday I was a gumball machine at work though! Our department had a Willy Wonka theme and several of us put dot stickers all over our shirts. Creative, eh?
I hope everyone gets more treats than tricks tonight. I'm off to raid the plastic pumpkin for some chocolate happiness!!!