Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Mommy's Little Ones

Allow me to introduce my 3 children, I mean, my cats.
Caddy - the Mom

Peyton - the Momma's Boy

Rocky - the Center of Attention

I could have never imagined that I would have turned into the 'crazy cat lady,' but I think that is what I am on my way to somewhat becoming . I love those kitties to pieces! They are my entertainment, my second snuggle-buddies (behind Alan, of course), and one of the things that brings a smile to my face daily.

Alan and I crack up at their around the house races, their facial expressions, their sleeping positions, their brotherly love fights, and their constant curiousity about EVERYTHING. As much as we hate cleaning the litter box and puke off of the floor, we love the affection they give to us and the things they teach us about God's unique creatures. We know their mannerisms, their favorite sunny spots, their voices when Peyton cries at closed doors, when Rocky squeaks for food, and Caddy when she just wants to be loud.

I know my love and affection for them won't even compare to what I'll feel in the future for my human babies, but for now it's all I know. And being "parents" to 3 sweet, cute, and affectionate little ones is definitely an awesome thing.

1 comment:

Margaret said...

you are such a crazy cat lady. :)